oh ok
i mean
i'm disappointed
for sure
but i'm not really that surprised
i'm just pretty disgusted
i know i have to confront you about it
to make sure
it makes sense
in a way
that's why im not surprised
and i think that says a lot
i'm not surprised that you're a misogynist
maybe you don't think you are
you probably don't
like most of them
you think it's funny
and relatable
that we should know how to take a joke
you don't respect women
you don't see value in them
and even if you do
it will always be less
women will always be less than men
even if you never dare say it so directly
in what you watch
what you find funny
what you agree with
you'll never see a woman
at the same level as man
women will always be this other thing
that is so different than you
that you can't understand
so you won't try to
and if you do respect women
it's not because you actually do
truly deep inside
it's because you expect something
whether it's because you feel obligated
like your aunt or your cousin
whether it's because you're interested
like those girls you check out on the street
but in any case
all these women you "respect"
they will never
get the same amount of respect
the true respect
you give the men around you
i'm tired
i don't know what i expected of this world
but i'm tired
of realizing year after year
that the men i know
the men in my life
the ones i grew up with
even the most "feminist" ones
they're still men
and they still grew up as men
treated like men
learned how to be men
in a society
that is still anchored in their superiority
and they'll never get it
maybe some will try to
i believe some of them are doing their best
i really do
and i think some even know
that they can't fully get it
that even them doing their best
have rooted misogynistic thoughts
or actions
or privilege
it's how we were raised
women as well
i probably carry misogynistic views
or reflexes
cause i grew up in a
less than before sure but still very
misogynistic society
i was just pissed off
and i'm tired
and frustrated