are you fucking for real?
i really need to tell you don't i
i've got to explain it to you
you can't just outright tell me
how many calories are in there
that's the whole problem
i don't want to know
i know it's my fault
i should say something
he can't just read my mind
i suck
i just don't understand why it's not obvious
like why do i've got to explain it
i'm so upset
i know he's awkward about it
but i can't take it as a joke
like this is not "haha" for me
i know you're scared of asking questions
but for once i'd really like for you
to make the first move
to have a bit of courage
and ask me these things seriously
even if it's scary
and i know
you already make so much effort
and maybe i'm not doing enough
but i can't
i can't physically speak up
don't know how to speak up mor myself
why would you tell me
how many calories were in there
or how much you think it is
i can't blame you
i can only blame myself
fuck fuck fuck
i'm not mad i promise
i'm just sad
i just feel constantly misunderstood
i'm sad you don't understand
and i'm angry
that i can't make you understand