i'm so dumb
i'm so dumb
i'm so dumb
i'm so dumb
i'm so dumb
i'm so dumb
how can i be that dumb
it should be easy
should be able to do it
why can't i
can't do shit without others help
my brain doesn't grasp anything
it's empty
don't know shit
feel so ashamed
they'll know
i'm a fucking joke
an impostor
can't do shit by myself
i'm not smart
i'm so dumb
they're gonna be so disappointed
i'm such a failure
show them the best of me
and then i'm surprised when it falls apart
i'm so empty
need to sell myself to make me look ok
or they won't even bother
but the second they see how empty i am
they'll realize i've tricked them
and that i'm a manipulative bitch
i'm pathetic
complaining when i should be working
to get better
want it easy
i'm so lazy
hate myself
want to die today
those last days were worse
realized i don't enjoy anything anymore
feel like shit
want to die so bad
can't keep going
want a hug
want to cry
but i don’t want anyone to see me
it's wrong to feel sorry for myself
don't deserve to feel sorry for myself
i'm so mean
people are so nice to me
and i don't even care
that's fucked up
feel so bad
if anyone ever reads this
i hope you cried
maybe you didn't
cause i don't deserve your tears
nor your empathy nor sadness
but in all my egoistic glory
that's what i wish
for you to cry
and miss me
even a little bit